Far Side Catapult work, calling it 'Done'

Well, calling this done. Oh, I could keep fiddling with it, sand this, more putty that, really go overboard on the painted details.....nope.

One, it is a cartoon piece, two, it was a 'quickie' project, just something to keep momentum going, three, too much fuss will kill the fun!

If you click on the picture, an expanded version of the photo will appear. You can see where I painted texture effects onto the catapult, stone wall, and planked walkway.

With a bit of closer examination, you will pick up some shading on the figures; creases in trousers, shadows in the lower sides of the figures (like under arms and at the sides of torsos), as well as some of the highlights

Mounted to a block (painted to resemble marble) from the local trophy shop, looks rather presentable.

Have had one request from my brother for an idea, plus lots of encouraging feedback from the Guys at Planet Figure. So thanks to all those who gave feedback and encouraged me along the way.

It's amazing what a little bit of positive and constructive feedback can do!

Will be looking at doing more of these 'flat' type sculpts, with inspiration from Japanese art, some of the classics, as well as some glamour shots too!



  1. That's a REALLY great job, Jamie! Well done mate. I'm actually surprised more modellers haven't done similar flats of cartoons and other graphic art. Who knows, mate, you might have started a trend ;-)

  2. Thanks Rudi, appreciate the input!
    Always open to requests and ideas from fellow modelers.
    Hope things are settling down in the new place


  3. Certainly turned out very nicely. The whole piece is a very interesting concept, and entertaining to look at.

    I will look forward to your next work now!

  4. Thanks Chas!
    Appreciate the feedback. Looking forward to your next project too



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