The tale of the Headless Centurion, pt 2

These photos were taken several months ago, but you can see the shading and highlights on the figure. The transitions aren't quite as smooth as I wish, and being metal, this can be a fiddly piece to manipulate around the paint bench. (needs a good solid handle to be mounted to)

I have done as much work as possible in pre-painting in sub assemblies. Why? Because some of the stance will not allow paint brush access later, but will still show up when 'finished'.
I did check, and recheck fit of the figure before I even went anywhere near priming the figure, so assembly should go ok (fingers crossed)

More up dates later, I have moved this figure back to the workbench for painting, I want it finished, as it was supposed to be a Christmas gift back in 2008!

Just goes to show, what we plan to do, the time we allot for it, and our capacity to do the work in the time allowed, are three different things!

Or simply put, "Quick, Quality, Cost - Choose any two"


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