Mirei-san; getting the chair height right

test fitting the parts, so the chair is the correct height. Well I lashed the figure together, temporary fittings, with Tamiya tape and blue tack, then measured the gap between wher her shoe floated in space, and the ground.

Removed the offending bot of pipe, and voila, looks like Mirei is actually going to be able to use the chair.

The upright that goes between the chair and the swivel stand was originally made out of resin, but I replaced it with a combination of an inner brass tube with an outer layer of Evergreen styrene tube, to help fill the gap. (almost a perfect fit - bonus!)

I did that for strength issues, didn't want the chair bending on a warm day, if I could avoid it.

Also need to clean up her skirt - laid down the base coat, then fumble it, smudged the wet paint with my fingers, and got it dusty and gritty. So thats a bit of a rework I'll have to do.

Still, now the major components are coming together (and in colour) I am looking forward to completing this even more!



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