Mirei-San; doing the face

Ok, more work done on the figure. Decided to do the eyes at this point, as everything is still easy to access, and I can rework quite happily, if need be.

I elected for an olive green; lack of covering power kind of put paid to that idea. So I opted for some blue in the mix, and reworked the eyes again. Oh, please note, the whites of the eyes aren't white; actually they are Vallejo Light flesh, which gives a much better result.

(I have seen straight white used, and it can give a bug eyes look. Heck, have done it myself when starting out. Works better if the white of the eye is 'cut' with a minor tint of pink)

I was struggling to get the eyes right, until I realised that I was missing a third reference point - the lips. So I blocked those in, in red, and all of a sudden, I could see what was lining up where.

Last pic is to show my start point.


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