Mirei-san; first steps, fit issues

Ok, here is an example of fit issues. While nicely sculpted, the drapery* being quite ok for a figure of this size and type (anime), because of the characteristics of resin, it will shrink as it cures. To a greater or lesser degree.
(there are some casters out there that have worked out shrinkage rates, and good on them)

As can be seen, there is a huge gap along the back. The folds line up quite ok, but the there is no way around the gap; I'll have to fill it during construction. This is perhaps the worst bit of fit on my kit; thankfully, it is easy to get to, and will be mostly hidden by the back of the chair she will be sitting on.

So dry fitting of the major and minor parts has been done, and now I can proceed.

* Drapery; the behavior of fabric/ clothing as it conforms, moves or settles around the body. For an anime figure, the drapery is acceptable to realistic. For a true to life figure, it could be considered perhaps a bit over done.


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