Third figure finished

..but about the second in the production line. From Pegaso Miniatures, this is the "Chinese Lady", known to friends as the "China Lady". Its interesting to see the evolution of painting skills over the space of one figure. The jacket is not so great, flowers better, and skin tones better still.
Poor thing got sprayed with oven cleaner a few times as I sorted out paint schemes, looked at the results the next day, and went "Well, that didn't work...." and started again.
Which means, if something isn't right, don't be afraid to rework it.
Vallejo acrylics were used for the paint, and this is where I discovered the importance of keeping colour swatches. Because I had to focus on other tasks, when I first returned to the bench, I couldn't remember the exact ratios of colours mixed; PANIC! So after some trial and error (and a small amount of cursing) I now note and paint on a small blank business card what paints, in what ratios and a colour sample provided. Saves a lot of fuss and bother, particularly if you have to revisit a figure some time later. (I'll provide some examples later)
Oh, while it may seem I have been incredibly productive in a short amount of time, really, these have been done over the space of of about months, maybe a bit longer. Just adding them in this fashion gives the impression of "All of a sudden....."
In the pipeline is Pegasos Centurion Praetorian (75mm), which I have been advised is not strictly accurate, but 'looks good' (or appeals to easily recognisable stereotypes).
Still mucking around with the fur texture, hope to post that within a week.


  1. Looks good, Jamie, and even more so given it's only your 3rd figure.

  2. Thank you Rudi,
    very much appreciated.


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