Life is what happens, while you make other plans. Plus first commission piece.

Been away way too long.....

let's see, met a lady, fell in love, got engaged, moved in together, all that kind of stuff. You know, the adult kind. The important kind. Let me introduce Kristy!


Kristy is the pretty one with the long read hair

Due to be married (very soon) and sorting out wedding plans, helping work the back yard (dig up way too much builders debris!!) have soaked up what spare time I've had.

Oh, I've had a bit of modelling time along the way, and now it's time to touch upon that.....

First commission work.

Make some earth. With some grass and stuff. Because I make great ground work, apparently.

 OK, got an idea. here's the SBS.

Scored my plinth, and glued a bit of aluminium wire down, to give some 'grip' for the putty. Masked off the edges too, for a clean edge.

Add Apoxie sculpt putty, and texture with an old tootbrush

I also added gravel and fine bits of debris too. Tapped it down into the still wet putty, adds texture and structure for the putty.

Mask off for airbrushing....

and apply your favourite dirt colour. I used Vallejo Burnt Umber for this project.

Overhead view - everything is the same shade. Dull, and lacks visual variety.

So I went back in and painted some of the stone with Vallejo Buff. 

Add static grass(which I airbrush also) and some railway scenic clump, which takes on a bush like appearance.

And there you have it, a plinth with groundwork, suitable for 1/72 all the way up to about 1/9.

The fellow who commissioned this is a  fellow modeler of the South Australian Plastic Modelers Association, and a very good WW1 aircraft builder. does great work, and in fine scale. His niche is the German stuff, and truly astounding results is what he achieves.

He was very pleased with this result, and I'll be doing a larger piece for him in the future. 

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