Tiny Tiger and a Petite Panzer

So, after a bit of encouragement from some friends, I decided to base the Tiger 1 and am working on a Panzer III with a base too.

Bases are Jarrah, from Michael Tabone of Base44 and really nifty too, and quite reasonable in price. Yep, mail order.

First, I rigged up a impromptu photo rig....

2 clothes pegs hook my dark blue windcheater onto my work lamps.

Then set the camera for macro work, and take the following photos..... Tiger 1 first...

Overhead view of composition

The hero pose

Thick grass for this scale...the grass extends past the lower track run

Bit subtle,however the grass is compressed where the treads have been

'You cant see me, I'm hidden!.....'  not much to hide behind there.

Now that this one is based, it looks more at home, and I feel much happier for having completed it.

Now the Panzer III is nearly done, this is an experiment in elevations and static water.

While the elevation has worked, the tank is a bit too clean, and not fully integrated with the base. I'll be adding a N scale (1/150 scale)  as well as adding dust effects for the road and treads. 


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