Sculpting projects and research for fun and learning...

So I'm self teaching sculpting (does this mean I've got a fool for a teacher and a dimwit for a student? probably...)

Here's some YouTube links I've found handy....

Bill Merklein does some really nice work, and includes key anatomy markers....

This is helping me with my sculpt of Kanae...

She recently expressed a bit of disappointment with some of my efforts (which is saying a bit for a very polite Japanese, and a lady too, so very, very polite...) so I responded that I am bearded, bad tempered, have sense of mischief, but am mostly good hearted....

(self praise is no recommendation though...)

A Tengu mountain spirit

A wikipedia link of a Tengu is here - as always through history, there are good ones and bad ones....

So I'm doing this one as a warm up before I tackle Kanaes likeness

Photos as soon as I've made notable progress....


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