Bike component test

Bringing most of the major parts together, to see the 'look of the thing'.

So now it is coming together, there are some voids in the frame to be filled or camouflaged by "Gizmolgy"

What is "gizmology" I hear you ask.

Well, it is the science of constructing parts, using scrap, cut up kit parts, and anything else appropriate till it fits the "TLAR" test

(pronounced 'Tee-Lar)

TLAR stands for "That Looks About Right"

While everything is still a bit naked right now, it will start to fill out rapidly.

So I am likely to start pre-painting this, so I can then glue parts in, and move onto the next bit, with out having to sweat how the hell I can paint a steel grey engine part next to a chrome finish exhaust pipe with out messing up the finish on either part......

and I must admit, of the people checking in on this project, and offering words of encouragement, all are much appreciated.

Most of these people are leagues ahead of me, in experience and results, yet they take the time to share their experience, insights and encouragement quite freely.

Thank you, for your contributions to this project.


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