Painting the figure- base tones

Ok, overdue for an update here. (mostly because I have been doing this as a build log on an other website with a lot of questions and answers)

Top pic is where I settled for the flesh tones - nice and pink. Probably a bit too pink, however, I wanted a nice, rosy hue to the girl, as by the time the jacket, the skirt and stockings were added, it would tone the entire figure down. So by making the flesh tones strong, I will balance out the other colours, and conform to the anime roots of the figure (rather then a portrait of a true figure, which would require more shading and highlights)

2nd Picture is the first coat. Which had a to yellow finish (too much ochre in my custom mix) so a repaint was in order. Never hurts to go back and rework if the first effort wasn't quite there.

Third pic is the colour swatch - because of my busy life, I find that a week or more will pass before I can get bench time, so this is a simple way of keeping track of my ratios of paint mixes. Plus, if anyone ever asks "hey, what colour did you use for X?" then I can find the answer.


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