Fitting the figures to the Bike

Ok, it looks like Killer Zombies on Bikes in these photos.....

Here is the end result of me fitting the figures to the bike after base coating them, and fixing them to the bike (thanks to that miracle product, 2 part - 5 minute epoxy resin).

Here is where a weird thing happens.....once fine fitting figures now don't want to sit in the designated slots I dry fitted them to fine.

I think that paint must have some weird properties, warping mass and space to distort fit.

Or, I missed something during planning and fitting......

The hands had been left off til now, simply so I could make a set of hands grasping the handlebars.

How? start with a flat piece of clay, wrap it around the rod/ bar/ handle /what ever in question, then sculpt your hand down from there.

Sound easy when described in a me, it aint.....

It's one of those little things that helps add to the realism of the image.....

The key elements are here; Ben, Mish, motorcycle and base. All in an Action pose.

Glad I base coated them in the correct colour before fixing them, to the bike; there is no way some of that could have been painted once put in place. Any project like this demands thinking about three steps ahead (at a minimum) and trying to work out what may work, and what might not.....then figure out a work around or a fix, even if the process doesn't even physically exist at this point in time.......

Lost some sleep doing all this, but hey, now it is really looking like the original idea I had. Always exciting to see an idea emerge into physical reality.


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