Roll Call of Gratitude

For those who encouraged me early on in this hobby.
- Rudi, of Taroks Tales, top guy.
- Chas, a young man who should go far in life; keep an eye on this fellow, he'll suddenly emerge doing something, one day.

On Planet Figure,
- Tony Dawe, who said that there are no dumb arse questions, and gave excellent feedback for my first efforts at figures. Still one of the leading flag wavers for the hobby in Western Australia.
- Ian Harries, and the lovely Kim, great people with big hearts. Also doing their bit to support a niche market in Australia.
- Ken Farrar, decent bloke, very good sculptor, helps with feedback.
- Einion, walking colour genius. Lives in Ireland, and is very generous with the sharing of his knowledge.
- Ray Farrugia, another fellow, sculpting interesting stuff of his own, and a dab hand at the brush also.
- Willem Plaisier, another fellow who does great work, from concept, to sculpting, to painting, to base.
- Mark, aka Stiff, who is a good one for spotting details. It was he who advised me that the nipple colour of my "China Lady" was about right. Not his only claim to fame, interesting guy all the same.
- Joe Hudson, another talented fellow, who happily shares his experience and thoughts
- Ray Lantz, a very generous individual, an absolute gentleman from Colorado.

I will have to add to this on an ongoing way. If I haven't mentioned you yet, I will be!

Edging forward to a new hobby bench, so I can pick up the tools again.

And looking forward to it!




  1. Awe shucks! Thanks Jamie! :)

    I'll have to arrange a modeller get-together / BBQ at my place one Saturday for you to meet a couple of the lads.

  2. Jamie mate! That's very kind of you. Thankyou.

    I know a couple of those guys on the list and I couldn't agree more with what you have said.


  3. An attitude of gratitude, gentlemen; thanks for the help and the input.



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